The passing years can age a person both emotionally and physically. Unfortunately, many people age physically more quickly, so while they still feel young at heart, they look beyond their years. Fat pads which provide volume and contour to the face slip from their youthful positions over time. This can create facial folds, called nasolabial folds, between the nose and the corners of the mouth. Lana Rozenberg, D.D.S. offers dermal fillers, such as Restylane® in NYC, to restore the youthful contour and volume to your face, so you can once again look as young as you feel.
Restylane® is a dermal filler which can smooth nasolabial folds and provide facial rejuvenation by restoring volume to particular facial features. Unlike BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport™, and Juvederm®, Restylane® does not relax the muscles which cause frowning, but rather adds volume under the skin to smooth your wrinkles. Restylane® has the ability to treat nasolabial folds between the nose and corners of the mouth, creases below the eyes, lines bordering the mouth, and plump thin lips.
During Restylane® treatment, patients can expect a brief, pin prick of discomfort during the injection. Dermal fillers provide nearly instantaneous results and last about four to six months. Although Restylane® does not require allergy testing before treatment, patients should consider a few precautions. The injection of dermal fillers may contribute to a cold sore break out in patients who are prone to have them, and all patients should avoid ingesting St. John’s wort, aspirin, and high doses of vitamin E before treatment as these medications can increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.
Restylane® in New York is a cosmetic dermal filler which restores volume and fullness to the skin in order to smooth wrinkles and eliminate facial folds. BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport™, and Juvederm®, on the other hand, are ineffective at combatting facial folds. Their solution relaxes the muscles themselves to eliminate wrinkles as opposed to restoring volume.
Unlike other hyaluronic acid-based cosmetic injectables, Restylane® is free from animal proteins. Other hyaluronic acid-based injectables that use animal proteins may require allergy testing to ensure that you will not be allergic to the dermal filler. Allergy testing is unnecessary with Restylane® because it is completely comprised of substances found naturally in the human body.
The interval between your Restylane® appointments may vary on an individual basis depending on the location being treated and the severity of your facial fold or wrinkle. Typically, follow up appointments are scheduled every four to six months.
For more information about Restylane®, contact Dr. Rozenberg and the staff at Lana Rozenberg D.D.S. at (212) 265-7724 or click here to schedule a consultation online for our New York City Dental Office.
In the pictures below, you will see the results of Restylane for patients with various dental issues. These are only a sample of the treatments performed at our clinic. Over her decades of working in dentistry, Dr. Rozenberg has helped a lot of people, including celebrities and politicians, to name a few.
Check out Rozenberg Dental NYC Office hours to plan your visit.